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Learn to Play

Our "entry" programs
When a child is ready to play in an organized environment: occasionally at 5 years but more likely at 6 or 7 years, they begin with our Learn to Play Program (LTP). Many of us have coached T-Ball and other "entry" programs and this program "blows the doors off" other programs. It makes the learning of sport generally - and softball in particular - a fun, worthwhile experience.

LTP is broken into 3 levels: Level 1, 2, and Mites. Level 1 is strictly skill development and fun - no softball games but games and contests that encourage learning the skills of the game. When players are ready, they move on to LTP Level 2 which continues to teach skills and introduces games against other teams. Level 3 (Mites) is usually for 10 year olds and advanced 9 year olds and includes games against other parks (and continues the skill development that the LTP program offers). 

Our 12 and under program is called Squirts. While mostly made up of 11 and 12 year olds, some advanced 10 year olds (sometimes 9) find this to be a good level for them. Here, we have C teams (recreational), B teams (competitive), and A (Rep). Typically on the South Island we have 15-20 C teams, 5-8 B teams, and 1 Squirt A team.